What happens to my lawn during a period of drought?
In periods of dry weather, lawns can stop growing and start to brown, especially once the top 10cm of soil dries out. A well-maintained lawn usually recovers well with the onset of autumn, as rain starts to fall and the soil starts to rehydrate. Lawns can however die back and become very patchy if they have been exposed to long periods of dry weather so it is important to take steps to maintain the lawn to ensure it has the best chance of recovery. If grass becomes sparse, the roots are weakened and weeds and moss may start to take over as autumn comes - which then requires more invasive intervention.
How can I prevent damage from drought?
Regular watering throughout the summer months is important to keep the soil moist. In times of drought, water use may be restricted, but where possible water deeply in the mornings. A wetting agent, included in our summer treatment on the Premium Annual Treatment Plan will also be of benefit, as it helps to actively pull moisture into the soil and hold it there, so every drop of water is maximised.
Moss and thatch control can further help by reducing the sponginess of the lawn canopy thus improving water uptake by the roots and aeration is also of considerable benefit as it relieves compaction and allows the soil to absorb water more effectively. In addition our Core Plus treatments include high strength liquid seaweed and humic acid at every visit which improve the soil crumb and texture and are very useful tools for soil management and water conservation. If the lawn does suffer during the summer months then an autumn overseed and top dressing will help it return to its former glory.