Growing season is upon us and you can see grass starting to thicken and grow as we start to emerge from winter. When can I cut my grass? This is one of the most common questions we get asked at this time of year!
The short answer is that anytime it is growing and conditions permit is a good time to mow the lawn, providing the ground is dry and not too cold. At the moment, in the Hampshire area, the ground is a little too saturated with the recent storms, and the soil structure can be damaged by walking on it, so we would advise waiting for a little warmer weather.
A useful job to do now in preparation, would be to sharpen your mower blades, as these are so much better for a nice clean cut. If the blades are blunt, the grass can tear, which makes it more susceptible to fungal disease. Also, start to clear any debris from the garden - leaves, sticks, stones, check for nesting animals etc.
Then once a dry spell comes, take a small amount off the top for your first cut, with your mower on the highest setting. Start a regular regime of little and often cutting, never taking more than a third of the height off at a time.
Come on spring, we're ready for you!